Szicsek Pálinka Distillery
The Szicsek Pálinka Distillery, based in the town of Tiszaföldvár, is one of the most significant sole proprietorships of the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county. The venture seeks high quality, constant and true values, as well as authenticity. From thirty different fruits, 80 products are made by the traditional small pot technique. Attached to their name The Hungarian Pálinka House (Magyar Pálinka Háza) opened first in 2003, in Budapest, then in Budaörs, Kecskemét, Gyula, Szolnok and Szeged. In the pálinka houses they offer 1200 products from 70 distilleries, hence they are significantly contributing to the publicity of the pálinka on the domestic market. They also play an important role on the foreign market by having agencies in Romania, Slovakia, England, Austria, Canada and the USA, as well as importer of a premium