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Pálinka Houses

Gombosi Pálinka

A Gombosi Pálinkafőzőt üzemeltető Gödöllői Tangazdaság Zrt 1992 óta működik mint részvénytársaság, 100%-ban magyar tulajdonú, központja Kartalon van. Fő tevékenysége a mezőgazdaság, Kartal és Hatvan térségében összesen közel 5000 hektár földterületen gazdálkodik.

A valódi hungaricumot előállító üzletága, a Gombosi Pálinkafőző 2006-ban kezdte meg működését. Az üzem és a hozzá tartozó kertészet Hatvan-Nagygombos-Lőrinci határában, az egykori hercegi Grassalkovich-család, majd Koronauradalom nagygombosi birtokán, csodálatos festői környezetben található. Hagyományosan, több száz éve folyt már ezen a vidéken gyümölcstermesztés. A kiváló zamatú, elsősorban csonthéjas gyümölcsök termesztésére alkalmas fennsíkon a Gödöllői Tangazdaság Zrt 260 hektáron újratelepítette saját – szilva, kajszibarack, meggy és cseresznye – gyümölcsösét, amely ma első osztályú alapanyagot biztosít a Gombosi Pálinka készítéséhez.

A Gombosi Pálinkafőző ma Magyarország egyik legnagyobb területtel és kapacitással működő, hagyományos terméket, hungaricumot előállító üzeme.

3021 Lőrinci 0181/1 hrsz.
+36 20 368 9356

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Gönc Aranyai Pálinkahouse

The history of the distillery in Göncruszka dates back to old times, as the facility was built between 1968 and 1970. Their steam-powered, traditional equipment with copper stills could distill approximately 1,800 liters of mash at a time. Alongside the establishment of the distillery, 200 hectares of apricot orchards were planted in Gönc and Göncruszka. Great emphasis is placed on tradition, as the facility has been led for 30 years by a manager who is well-acquainted with the local fruits and learned the basics of distilling under the previous leadership. For a long time, their main activity was contract distillation for locals, a service they are well-known for in the region.

In 2013, the distillery underwent significant modernization thanks to a major investment, during which most of the equipment was replaced with modern systems. They continuously expand their product range, but since the carefully selected raw materials come from their own orchards or local producers, the main ingredient in their brandies remains apricot. This includes their Gönc apricot brandy, made with exceptional care and tradition.

3894 Göncruszka, Tábla dűlő 02

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Gong Pálinka Distillery

The GONG Pálinka House is located in the county of Csongrád and started its operation in the town of Deszk in autumn 2017. Amongst a family friendly atmosphere, surrounded by fruit trees it became a true playground – in the most noble meaning of the word – of flavours, aromas and fruits. In the tastefully designed show distillery the visitors can follow the distilling process and of course participate in professional tastings as well. In 2019 at the Destillata International Spirit Competition, held in Austria they acclaimed the Hungarian National Winner title and made it into the European family of excellencies. The professional feedback is important for them, hence they take part in several competitions. Their achievements also show and confirm that the careful handling of the fruit and the determination for quality are rewarded. The fruit is sourced from their own 8-hectare of fruit orchards as well as from the neighbouring areas from small growers. Their irresistible pálinkas are produced by selected fruit, distilled in the continuous column. Beside the usual flavours, consumer can find true pálinka specialties as well, since their mission and passion are to showcase the pálinka culture, as broad as possible.

6772 Deszk, László Tanya 1.
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Gusto Pálinkahouse

Gusto Pálinka, established in 2006, strives to achieve exceptional quality using the most modern distillation equipment. The distillery is located in Lajosmizse, near Kecskemét, one of the centers of Hungarian fruit cultivation. The unique conditions of the golden sand region ensure the outstanding flavor profile of their fruit brandies. Their 15-hectare orchard in Kecskemét and its surroundings produces hand-picked, carefully selected apricots with extraordinary characteristics, made possible by the specific ecological properties of the region.

The pursuit of perfection, meticulous attention to detail, and the use of state-of-the-art technology and equipment all contribute to GUSTO Pálinka’s ability to create a product of such high quality that it offers an unparalleled gastronomic experience, even for those with the most refined tastes.

6050 Lajosmizse, Ceglédi út 66.
+36 30 730 4065

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Gyulai Pálinka Manufactury

The Pálinka Manufactury of Gyula began to operate in the autumn of 2008. The majority of the process is done by hand, while several modern machines are also used, yet the proper care accompanies the path of the pálinka throughout. In 2012 the estate expanded with 15 hectares of fruit orchards. In 2015 several fruits have been planted such as: forest dogberry, mulberry, quince, plum, mahaleb cherry, apricot, Williams pear and apple tree. The future goal is to make pálinka out of own fruits, thereby increasing the quality of the pálinka. At present 56 different types of pálinka is made by the manufactory. Product families: Pálinka of Gyula, Baron Harruckern, Mélyvíz (Deep water) pálinka, ”Bedded” pálinka, Kosher pálinka.

5700 Gyula,külterület 0272/168 hrsz.
+36 66 460 034
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