Tarpa Manufactury
In the region of Szatmár-Bereg, in the village of Tarpa in a 1924 founded factory pálinka have been distilled for eight years. This tradition is continued by Tarpa Manufactory, which makes premium marmalade and pálinka from local fruits. It received several Hungarian and international awards in the last 17 years. Lately their plum pálinka of Szatmár won gold medal on the World Spirits Award organized in Klagenfurt, their apple pálinka of Szatmár won silver medal, and the Tarpa Manufactory received the „First Class Distillery” award.
4931 Tarpa Kölcsey u. 29.
+36 30 950 7147
(HU) Tokaj Spirit
3941 Vámosújfalu, Kossuth Lajos utca 22.
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Palinkas of this Palinka House